VI International Scientific
and Technical Conference

May 24-26, 2023
May 24-26, 2023
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Modern district heating systems - transformations of the Polish sector

Wojciech Bujalski,
Warsaw University of Technology


The energy industry is currently experiencing a time of dynamic transformation. This is mainly due to the need to reduce emissions of pollutants into the environment. This necessity stems from the fact that power sector is one of the largest polluters. The events in Ukraine and the subsequent fuel crisis have shown that the energy dependence of European countries on fossil fuels is high. The only possible solution to become independent of foreign fuel supplies is to increase or completely switch to renewable fuels. The heating sector is also subject to all these changes. Until now, all electricity generation has been seen as the electricity sector. District heating is only being supplied from district heating networks. The problem of changing the way buildings are provided with heat (switching to renewable fuels) does not only affect district heating systems but also individual heating. All this background means that the transformation must be rapid and profound. It is sometimes said that it will not be a transformation but a revolution in the heating sector. The presentation will attempt to show the need for change more broadly. A discussion of the challenges facing the district heating sector will be presented. And also an indication of the area of research where science can support the revolution awaiting the district heating sector.


Prof. Wojciech Bujalski has been working for more than 20 years at the Institute of Heat Engineering at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. He holds the position of Director of the Institute of Heat Engineering. He is secretary of the Committee on Research Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His output includes more than 70 scientific publications of national and international scope. He has extensive scientific experience. He has managed or participated in more than 11 projects funded by science. He has worked with the industrial community for many years. He has led or participated in the execution of more than 50 works commissioned by the industry. His achievements include five years at the District Heating Company in Warsaw.

His scientific interests are mainly focused on the optimisation of energy systems and, in particular, district heating systems. A significant part of the research concerns issues of heat and cold storage. In recognition of these achievements, Prof. Bujalski was awarded the Siemens Research Prize for his thesis entitled: "Development and implementation of a scientific basis for the design and optimisation of the control of heat accumulators in district heating systems", in which Prof. Bujalski was one of three authors. Another topic is economic evaluation in the energy industry. In this field, prof. Bujalski expanded his knowledge with a postgraduate course on Capital Investment and Company Development Projects at the Warsaw School of Economics. His scientific interests currently include issues related to distributed energy, especially in district heating, Smart Cities and Smart Energy Systems.
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